Tuesday 5 August 2014

PewDiePie! $_$

P.S Carmen here xD

this video is also of his beautiful singing ;_; xD


OMG WE HAVENT BEEN POSTING MUCH ABOUT SO SORRY! O.O U see Chloe's lap top broke and i have been quite busy and lazy xD Am telling the truth here xD But anyways i will be going to Chloe's house then we'lll do a little bit of posts okay? Fair enough? I think so. Anyways sorry :( Apology accepted? :) And Chloe's Dad's lap top is in chinese xD So ya! i will try to post more to keep u company :) -Carmen-

Monday 14 July 2014


Hey guys Carmen here! And Chloe that post u made really kinda made me cry in my heart xD (Kinda embarsssed that i had to say that xD) That truly is and imotional post and great post that was great advice to people like that and i do not know how to sell imotional and all my feelings r like so something sorry its like i cant explain what am feeling like that but i promise i wont change ^_^ Well not everything ik what yuh mean :) Anyways here is my random post guys $_$ < CHA CHING! MONEY! XD

I never told u guys but am a huge fan of pewds xD DONT SAY AM TO YOUNG I KNOW OTHER PEEPS THAT R THE SAME AGE AS MEH THAT LOVES PEWDS! There is uhh.... yh... i dont know anyone one else the same age as meh but i do know other peeps in the world the same age as meh do love pewds :) I also love Marzia (Pewds Gf) and the puggies! <3 xD And i mean Maya and Edgar (Pewds and Marzia's dogs) :) And yes, yes pewds ur fabulous! xD

I recommend u guys doing this i mean u guys could get all the gals and if ur a girl then boys! xD Am totes gonna do this some day (Maybe xD) He is not only funny u know he is beautiful at singing! xD And he is so beautiful! :3 For the haters that hate pewds that fine by me :) (OR NOT! DUN DUN DUN!)

Saturday 12 July 2014

Don't let anyone change you :(

Umm.. hey guys. it's Chloe here.
I just have been pretty busy and it's kinda been emotional for me so yeah. I have just been through this a few days ago so yeah. I hope this helps anyone if they have been through this.

So here it is: Don't let anyone change you. Don't let anyone tell you what to do. Be who you are and don't try to be like anyone else. If someone tells you to change the way u look and act they aren't your friends or anything else. if your parents tell u to stop like be childish and act like someone else just try and fix your ways but don't fully change yourself. be yourself and act like yourself. Recently I have people who have been telling me to act like someone and be like someone which I hate. When that happens I just get all nagitive about my self and it just makes me feel unloved. I hate it so if someone is telling u to change don't, just be your self. love yourself. Sometimes I even think of harming my self or running away. don't do that. Just be yourself and love yourself don't let anyone tell u what to do. don't try to change your looks just to impress someone. If your friends or someone tries to boss u and change u they aren't your true friends. there is always someone who love you and cares about you like me. There is someone to talk to like me.Just please promise me not to change your self just to impress someone. if your a bully just try and act a bit nicer well a lot nicer don't pick on people. if people say like try to be not like dirty try and not be dirty change your act and clean your room. so just don't change your looks and personality :) Byee I love you.

Sowwy O-O

So so so so sorry I haven't been posting :( I have a emotional post later to make it up to u tomorrow :) Byee 
ps it will be on my bloggy too

Sunday 29 June 2014

Why Can't Everyone Chat?

Guys why cant we chat? I thought in my back-up someone reported me or something but then i went to my real account its the same! But guys why? Are they changing how the messages look like? Or r they doing a little changes? i know u guys cant chat too right? I guess Chloe cant chat either but no worries tomorrow we can :) -Carmen- Oh thats strange i went on my phone and i can chat on phone... so weird oh well i can chat there ^-^ Its the next day now looks like nothing changed O.O So what happened exactly msp?

Thursday 26 June 2014

4. My Favorite Songs :) -Carmen-

Me and Chloe really love this song! They also mentioned Ireland in this song! :D

I love this song so does Chloe! :3

The music video is weird for u guys am i right? xD But i dont care xD They rock ^_^

Me and Chloe also love this song :3 I heard this song but i didnt watch the music video am gonna watch it now :)

I love Ariana! Sorry i dont know what to say for this song xD